Here are some shots I tried to take myself. You get the idea I suppose! I've learned it's really hard to take pictures of your own hair...especially the back of your head!

Notice my highlights and low lights. The red low lights are very close to my natural hair color...just a little more rich and pronounced. I believe in the fall, I will do the red color all over with tiny and fewer highlights. I always like to go dark in the fall!
So...you get my drift. Longer in the front (angled around my face) and shorter in the back. It looks much better at the beginning of the day. It begins to look sloppy after hours of kids with their hands in my hair! I do love it though! VERY EASY STYLE! Short style time!

Hair is something that I have never minded splurging on! (Even tho Jackie isn't expensive like some.) She also let's me purchase hair products at her cost. It is ridiculous how much salons mark up shampoo, conditioner and styling products. I believe there is a 50% markup and that's standard. Getting my hair cut and colored makes me feel SO GREAT! Yeah for mommy's getting their hair done!
I took Berkley to the doctor yesterday. I am really tired of the whole not sleeping episodes we are having. It's gotten so bad that I thought that there really had to be something wrong with her. She was pulling at her ears so I had her checked over. Thankfully, there was nothing wrong with her but that still doesn't solve the mystery. Since she was well, they went ahead and let me do her "well baby check-up" which was several months overdue. OOPS! She received 3 shots, which she did not welcome at all. She acted as if she was dying. I know they hurt but she is extremely, horridly dramatic. Poor baby! The best the doc could figure out is that she has 4 more teeth trying to come through on the top including the eye teeth which are supposed to be very painful. She presently has 4 little teeth. The two front, which aren't all the way through and the two bottom front. That would make a total of 8 teeth on top if the new 4 come through! AHHH! I just wish it would be over for her sake because she really, really struggles with teething.
Here's the good news about her checkup which in all actuality, there was no bad news!!! Keep in mind, she was 10 months old on July 13th!
Weight: 20 pounds 4 ounces (She started out and was so tiny. 7 pounds 5 1/4 ounces at birth, 6 pounds 11 ounces coming home from the hospital! She went from the 13th percentile in weight to the 30th percentile and now she is in the 60th percentile! YEAH! Since her last checkup in March, she has gained 5 pounds! That's only 4 months!!!! Yeah for Berkley! My big girl!)
Height: 28 1/4 inches (She grew 2 inches since March! YEAH!)
I think I've blogged long enough this morning! I better jump off here and try to do some things around the house. Actually, I think I'll surf www.etsy.com. That site is addictive!
Much love to all and have a fabulous day!
p.s. Thanks to all who are reading! You know who you are! XOXOXO
1st Love the hair. Very cute. Makes me want to do something different with mine.
2nd Yea for that baby girl. Way to go on gaining the weight. If only we could always say that! :)
Have a lovely evening.
When my kids were teething they would pull their ears, too. Something to do with the way the sinus cavities are connected . . . Your hair looks FABULOUS! The cut is so flattering on you! It has so much body - I love it!
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