Monday, June 23, 2008


Well, it seems that my lonely little ovary isn't doing it's job! Imagine that, right? For those of you that don't know, I had a partial hysterectomy in December only leaving my left ovary. Long story. Anyhow, in the last month or so, I've had a lot of changes and I am now experiencing ovary pain and just pelvic pain in general. UGH! I thought this was over and it was supposed to be. I had my hormone levels tested today to see how much estrogen the little ovary is putting out. I was also told (and didn't know) that I can still get cysts on my ovary. I also have the theory that I have so much scar tissue after all my surgeries that everything is bound and is causing pain. So, after the results come back, which should be Wed. I will see if I need extra hormones, which I was really trying to avoid. You always hear horror stories about synthetic hormones and how terribly bad they are but I have to do what I have to do to become my normal self again I suppose. My next theory is that if my ovary isn't functioning well, I will end up having it removed and will have the scar tissue cleaned out too. I believe that will give me at least temporary relief.

So now, I am to make an appt. with Dr. Beverly who I'm sure will just be sooooo happy to hear from me. I bet he thought he was done with me! I was hoping to never see him again, even though he is a wonderful man!


1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh stupid health insurance, I hate it... I love it.