Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's out there! Today will be a low key day for us I'm sure. Greg plans on cooking for me, granny and mom (of course dad and Papaw will be here too.) I did receive two from Greg and one from the kids but was informed yesterday that I wasn't getting anything because I had money and I could buy myself something...BUMMER. Would be nice to have a surprise every now and again. No, it's not about the gifts but it is the sentiment and thoughtfulness that usually goes into a gift, expensive or non-expensive. The only reason I received cards was because I made a comment on how I never get anything from Greg anymore, not even a 50 cent card so that's what he went and did...which, took all of the fun out of it. Not only that but he went yesterday and got the cards at Wal-Mart and left them in the shopping bag so I saw them when I was putting the groceries away. :(

Anyway, have a great day everyone! I hope you are all pampered and put on the pedestal you deserve. It'll be a typical day for me I'm sure.



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