Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The REAL scoop on Kady Paige Blankies and The Duggars

I do not have much time this morning but I thought I would write a little blip.  I will not be using the apostrophe key because I DO NOT have one.  Just got the computer back and  Berkley decided it would be cool to rip the key off and also the little rubber thing in under the key.  ARGH!

Anyhoo, on with business.  My new found friend, Jennifer over at Kady Paige Blankies (see previous post) has become a good friend of mine.  Kady Paige, her little girl (one of four children) was born premature.  She weighed a little over a pound and according to Jennifer's (yes, I used the apostrophe blank on my keyboard) they did not know if she would make it!  You should see Kady today!  She is a beautiful, healthy, bubbly baby girl!  WOW!  I saw someone comment that Jennifer's ring would fit around her wrist like a bracelet!  What a miracle!!!  Jennifer makes the most beautiful blankets!  I won a $20 gift certificate to her shop and ordered an adult sized blankie all for myself.  It should be arriving anyday so I will post on it once I get it in!  YAY!  Just talking to Jennifer through chats and convos on etsy, I feel like I have met a long lost friend.  It stinks because she is in Oregon and I am in KY but I think our friendship will thrive through conversations on the telephone!!!  Hopefully, we will visit my father in law this year (he is in Oregon too) and I will officially get to meet her.  It is wonderful how the internet can afford so many friendship opportunities and opportunities that we never would have had otherwise!!!

I have been watching The Duggar re-runs this am since I was cool enough to sleep in the recliner last night (ugh).    My question for you is, when do you have enough kids?  AND, if you have one daughter that has the possibility of needing more care than all of your other children and possibly facing death, how could you say that you may have more children!  I understand the whole philosophy of the Duggars that they will leave it up to God.  I just do not understand how they could not just count their blessings and be content with what they have in life.  It is not my decision to make though and not for me to judge.  They seem to do the whole bunch of kids thing very well and sometimes I wish I could have the patience that they possess.  Michelle Duggar seems to be so mild mannered, soft spoken and I truly believe that she is a fantastic mother, as Jim Bob is a great father.  I just think to myself that maybe it is time to stop with the kiddos!  I cannot fathom life beyond 2 children so I do admire them for their organizational skills, their loving kindness and compassion for each and everyone of their children as well as their Faith in God!

All is well here.  Berkley is a little firecracker as usual and Brock is still the smart, sensitive one.  Till next time!!!  Time to get ready to work now!!!


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