Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pics as promised...

Berkley's hair. Tee hee hee!!!

The princess on our new deck! (my husband is awesome!) Notice the Pebbles hair!!!

Mommy looking like a scrub...seriously...S.C.R.U.B.

My smokin' hot son at the Soap Box Derby!

Brock's preschool class...I'm so sad he's off to Kindergarten now!

The hayride at Chaney's Dairy Barn and last field trip with the Preschool Learning Center.


Nichole said...

Aren't your babies precious??? They're so cute!

Mimmy said...

Crystal - As far as I can tell, compared to me, you are a professional blogger. You follow more blogs than I could begin to, have more followers that I have, since I have zero, and have more comments than I have, since I have two. They tell me to be patient, so I am trying. Still haven't figured it all out yet and don't have the $$$ to get help but I'll get it done someway and maybe someday someone other than my sister and niece will comment on mine.

God bless and your children are absolutely precious.

Mimmy aka Joyce

Wearing Mascara said...


Btw, I found your blog by reading a comment you left on someone else's blog. I'm very impressed with your guts. I'm gonna do the same now.

Oh and your blog is now in my reader! Come visit mine :-)

