Honestly, I really couldn't believe this was me! Seriously! She must really know Photoshop! My cousin Rose (pictured above) got to see these and she loved them too! We will receive a DVD with all of our pics on them very soon and I can't wait! YEAH!
On a sickly note;Brock has been sick for a couple of days. Finally, Mom and I wrangled him into the doctor (literally). He tested positive for strep (probably the 8th time now) and has an ear infection in his left ear which was probably caused by the strep. He needs to have his tonsils and adenoids out but I can't bring myself to actually take him. The doc said the optimal time is around 4 years of age. I just can't imagine making him get an IV or them having to hold him down to give him the gas to knock him out. He would be terrified. I just can't do it yet...not until the doctor says it is time and it has to happen now. I know in the long run it will be done, just not tomorrow! I had my tonsils out when I was 23 and I was miserable. I actually had 2 surgeries with mine (scabs came off 2 weeks after surgery and I bled and bled and bled and had to have surgery to stop the bleeding.) I know it is better to do it while he is little....I just don't know! This is actually the very first time Brock has ever had an ear infection! Poor baby! He will not take oral meds so we had to get 2 shots...one in each leg. I can tell a drastic difference in him tonight though! Shots are miracles but they really stink while they are happening. It took 4 of us to hold him down...ugh!
Brock just spelled his name! He can write it but has never actually spelled it aloud!!!
Anyhow...it's like 2 days later and I'm finally posting this!
Much love to all,
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