Sunday, August 17, 2008

Top of the morning to ya!

For some odd reason, I fell asleep in the recliner last night laying sideways with my legs all scrunched up. I woke up this morning around 3:00 a.m. and couldn't hardly move my legs. Of course at that point, I was completely awake so I made some coffee and stayed up. Berkley and I went back to sleep around 7ish and got up a little after 8:00 a.m. so I feel energized from my slight nap.

My cousin and her new baby (6 weeks old), Chaz and her 5 year old daughter Keri came to visit and stayed most of the day yesterday. We had a really nice time. Brock absolutely LOVES Chaz and is intrigued by this little person!!! Of course he loves Keri too but he really took to the baby. Here is a sweet video of him rocking Chaz in his carrier and singing! It was too precious!

We also took Brock to eat at Red Lobster on Friday night and went to the new Circus Square. This is where they are building the minor league baseball team stadium. They have an awesome fountain there that kids play in. We didn't have any trunks and it was dark and cool outside so Brock didn't play in it but he loved it. Actually, Friday was the Duncan Hines Festival so they had bands, duck races, cupcakes, etc. We walked around for a while and then headed home!

Today, Brock will be heading out with daddy to the country club to play REAL golf! He is so excited!

Berkley got in her 7th tooth yesterday. She now has 4 on the bottom and 3 on the top! She is also saying oh-ee-oh now and sounds as if she's one of the flying monkey's from The Wizard of Oz!

**I'm feeling much better now. Still a little tender and sore. AND, Brock starts pre-school tomorrow. Work is allowing me to be late so that I may take him myself. I'm a nervous wreck already!!! Separation anxiety stinks!**

1 comment:

Kendra said...

You are right, separation anxiety stinks! But it can also be a wonderful thing too. I am getting ready to have all three of mine in school in less than a month and I can not wait! Is that awful? :)

Glad you are feeling better.

I am jealous of the minor league baseball team. We almost had one a few years ago but the city went crazy and said NO to the idea. I think it would have been wonderful.

Have a good week. K~